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Writer's pictureDr Ashutosh Srivastava

Why Gen Z are Dissatisfied with Their Relationships?

In a world where digital connections often surpass face-to-face interactions, Gen Z faces unique challenges in cultivating deep and satisfying relationships. This generation, fluent in technology but often struggling with interpersonal communication, finds itself grappling with dissatisfaction in relationships more frequently than previous generations. This blog explores the key factors contributing to this trend, offering insights into the complex web of expectations, communication barriers, and the quest for authenticity.

Changing Expectations

Evolving Relationship Dynamics

  • Shift from traditional to modern values: Gen Z's expectations for relationships are vastly different from those of earlier generations. They seek partnerships that are egalitarian, fluid, and flexible, which contrasts sharply with traditional models centered around fixed roles and long-term commitments.

  • Influence of social media: Social media platforms, portraying idealized lives and relationships, set unrealistic standards that real interactions often fail to meet. This discrepancy can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction.

The Quest for Perfection

  • Idealization of relationships: Bombarded with images of perfect relationships, Gen Z may develop a 'checklist' mentality, where a partner must meet an exhaustive set of criteria to be considered suitable.

  • Fear of missing out (FOMO): Social media also fuels a constant fear that there might be better options available, making it difficult for individuals to commit fully to their current relationships.

Communication Breakdown

Digital Communication vs. Face-to-Face

  • Overreliance on digital communication: While being tech-savvy allows for constant connectivity, it also introduces ambiguity that can lead to misunderstandings. The subtleties of tone and emotion are often lost in text-based communication.

  • Avoidance of difficult conversations: The ease of ghosting or blocking someone online can lead to avoidance behaviors, where problems are left unresolved, further feeding dissatisfaction.

Lack of Emotional Intimacy

  • Surface-level interactions: The fast-paced nature of digital interactions often leads to superficial connections that lack depth. Without deeper emotional intimacy, relationships may feel unfulfilling.

Societal Pressure and Self-Discovery

Pressure to Conform

  • Societal expectations: Young people often feel pressured to engage in relationships that mirror those around them or those depicted in media, leading to discontent when their personal experiences do not align.

  • Career and personal development: With a strong focus on self-improvement and career goals, Gen Z might feel that relationships are a secondary priority, leading to a mismatch in investment and expectations between partners.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

  • Personal growth: As they navigate their formative years, many in Gen Z are still discovering who they are and what they truly want from a partner, which can change over time, leading to dissatisfaction with current relationships.

  • Independence vs. interdependence: There's a fine balance between maintaining independence and fostering interdependence in a relationship, a balance that is often hard to achieve and can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction.


Understanding the roots of relationship dissatisfaction can empower Gen Z to navigate their personal lives more effectively. By recognizing the impacts of societal influences, embracing authentic communication, and prioritizing emotional intimacy, young people can cultivate more fulfilling relationships. It’s about finding a balance between personal growth and relational investment, crafting connections that are not only fulfilling but also supportive of individual aspirations.

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