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Writer's pictureDr Ashutosh Srivastava

Why do we get in to toxic relationships?

Entering into toxic relationships can occur for various reasons, and it's important to remember that every situation is unique. Here are some common factors that can contribute to individuals getting into toxic relationships:

  1. Unhealthy patterns: People who have grown up in dysfunctional or abusive environments may normalize toxic behavior, making it more likely for them to accept or seek out similar dynamics in their relationships.

  2. Low self-esteem: Individuals with low self-esteem or a lack of self-worth may be more susceptible to entering toxic relationships. They might believe they don't deserve better treatment or feel afraid of being alone.

  3. Codependency: Codependency refers to an excessive reliance on others for approval and validation. Codependent individuals may be drawn to toxic relationships, as they are more likely to tolerate mistreatment and prioritize their partner's needs above their own.

  4. Unresolved personal issues: Emotional baggage, past traumas, or unresolved personal issues can influence relationship choices. Sometimes, individuals unconsciously seek out partners who replicate familiar dynamics from their past, even if those dynamics are unhealthy.

  5. Idealization and manipulation: Toxic partners may initially present themselves as charming, kind, and loving, making it difficult to recognize their toxic traits. They may manipulate and control their partners, creating an emotional dependency that keeps the victim in the relationship.

  6. Lack of boundaries: People who struggle to establish and maintain healthy boundaries may find themselves in toxic relationships. Without clear boundaries, it becomes easier for toxic partners to exploit and mistreat their significant others.

  7. Fear of change: Leaving a toxic relationship often requires significant changes and uncertainties, which can be intimidating. Fear of the unknown, fear of being alone, or fear of starting over may prevent individuals from leaving toxic relationships.

It's important to note that the responsibility for toxicity in a relationship is never solely on one person. Both parties contribute to the dynamics, and it's crucial to seek support and take steps towards personal growth and self-care in order to break free from toxic patterns.

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